
Our Founders

Picture of Co-founder Craig Chen

Craig Chen

Picture of Co-founder Nafisa Hoque

Nafisa Hoque

Our Web Designer

Picture of WebDesigner

Donald Bi

Our Story

Student Companions sprung up not so long ago, in July 2024, but the seeds were planted years before. In 2022, Craig and Nafisa were high school friends who volunteered as student telephone companions for seniors. During the hours they spent on the phone each week with the seniors, they were brought out of their daily lives and their daily routine. In those conversations they saw through different perspectives. With seniors on the other end of the call, the phone took them through portals. Their calls were rich with the unspoken significance of building intergenerational bridges.

Oftentimes, we ask older adults for a piece of advice they'd give to their younger self. But that piece of advice is rarely enough for ourselves to understand their perspective. Understanding takes sitting down and listening to their stories. Nafisa and Craig wanted to share that understanding and on one day in 2022, their plan to do so was born.

In July 2024, we, Nafisa and Craig, have finally brought our plans to reality and it couldn't have been possible without much luck, support, and the care that we all possess. Everywhere we've turned we have found help and interest. Everywhere we turn, we're met with companionship — from the people we connect with, to the stories they share, and the bridges we continue to build.

Companionship fuels us, and we hope it moves you too. Welcome to Student Companions.


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